
This site is not updated on a regular basis. 12/23/19


The Sons and Daughters of the Colony of New Sweden (New Sweden Historical Society) and Maine’s Swedish Colony, Inc. have merged under the New Sweden Histroical Society name.


New Sweden
Historical Society



116 Station Road

PO Box 33
New Sweden, ME, 04762



Download Membership Form

Historical Society



280 Main Street
Stockholm, ME 04783

Sandra Hara


Historical Society

1149 New Sweden Rd.
Woodland, ME 04736



History and Guide


Stockholm Today

Stockholm, since its 1981 Centennial known as the Tri-Culural Community, is now primarily a residential town with a population of under 300. There are many retirees but also a number of self-employed and professionals who have returned to town to raise their families and work in surrounding communities. We have one store specializing in groceries and meat; a post office; gas station/garage in what little remains of the former boomtown mill buildings; an old railroad building; a town office; a wonderful restaurant in the renovated Eureka Hall; a post World War II American Legion building which draws from a wide area; a modern consolidated school; Baptist, Lutheran, and
Anderson Store

Anderson's Grocery, Eureka Hall Restaurant and the snowmobile trail on the old B&A Railroad bed (2001).

Catholic Churches; the Stockholm local history Museum with an associated railroad caboose; the restored former forest-fire and WW II German plane lookout tower; and proximity to Madawaska Lake and the great north woods.

They went to California, but the name stuck

The north end of town is somewhat famous if only for its name: California. Although no one lives there anymore, it seems that two farmers' wives who lived way out there in the boonies got fed up with it and announced that they were going to California; their husbands said "if you want California, that is what we will call this place!" But it didn't work: they went anyway, and the name stuck!

While the churches are still an important part of town life year around, the school and the Legion (and Stan's at Madawaska Lake) also serve as social gathering places. New ski trails have been established around the school, and the students are enthusiastic participants in this form of phys-ed. The school continues to sponsor one of Maine's longest running winter carnivals, which began in 1936. Since the railroad was discontinued and the tracks removed, the right-of-way has become one of the principal snowmobile/ATV trails in the area, right through the middle of town. Lots of opportunities for woods and water fun!

The Museum

The Stockholm Museum, which was built in 1900-01 as the first store and post office in town, has now been named to the National Register of Historic Places. It is located at 280 Main Street, across from the Post Office. It has a website at aroostook.me.us (please leave a message on our Guest Page), and e-mail may be sent to jhede@mfx.net. The Museum contains a large collection of artifacts, photographs, publications, videotapes, and veteran's uniforms, representing Stockholm's rich history as a farming community, lumber and veneer mill boom town, and railroad junction. There are many unusual artifacts, such as a huge hay press, a bone grinder, hand tools and equipment, various species of tree "cookies", a display of basket-making, an early 2-man chain saw, an early barber chair, a combination wheel-and-ski wicker pram, the 1981 Centennial quilt, and a Swedish Crystal donated to the Museum at the Centennial celebration
by the Mayor of Stockholm, Sweden. The Museum is generally open during the summer from Wednesday through Sunday, 1:30 to 4:30, or on request. Admission is free, memberships invited, donations accepted.
Baptits Church

Catholic Church

Lutheran Church
First Baptist Church
St. Theresa Catholic Church
Trinity Lutheran Church

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Privacy Policy-We do not share contact information. Site comments, correcctions, and questions? No change is too small – email the official web guy: Bill Duncan, Bill@WilliamLDuncan.com ©2019 Site hosting courtesy of WilliamLDuncan.com. This site was originally developed with assistance of a Discovery Research grant from the Maine Arts Commission, the New Century Fund of the Maine Community Foundation and the historical societies of the Maine Swedish Colony.

Note, Dec 2019. This site is not updated on a regular basis. See individual historical society pages on Facebook for the latest.--Bill